NN14 4GD
We close one Wednesday afternoon per month for Protected Learning Time.
Public Transport
Public Transport
The surgery is well served by the local bus network with bus stops on the High Street and on Oundle Road, it is a short walk to the surgery from these.
Public Transport information is available from the Traveline website.
Car Parking
We have a large patient car park. The car park is only for the use of patients whilst attending the surgery, please move your car as soon as you leave the surgery.
Practice Accessibility
Disabled Access
We have good access to our reception area, treatment and consultation rooms for disabled patients.
Toilets are provided next to the waiting room; these are accessible for the disabled. Baby changing facilities are available.
Please contact reception if you require any further assistance.
Non-urgent advice: Enhanced Access & Out of Hours
Enhanced Access
Available Weekdays from 3.00pm – 8.00pm and Saturdays 9.00am – 5.00pm (depending on service)
Locations are The Cottons Medical Centre, Raunds and Harborough Fields Surgery (Rushden)
Enhanced Access appointments can be booked via the team at The Meadows Surgery
See Extended GP Access for further information
When we are Closed
For health information and advice, or if you need medical help fast when we are closed, call NHS 111. NHS 111 is the number to call when you need medical help fast but it’s not a life-threatening emergency.
In life-threatening emergencies such as chest pain and severe shortness of breath you should call 999
Further information can be found on our Urgent Problems page.